Creative Conversations

I have wanted and needed creative company my whole life. I have longed and bewildered some part time creative friends in my life to keep running, keep makkering (creating) and wanting to know about their creations. It most likely came off like hounding them but I was hungry and I still am.

Why not ask a few friends to have a recorded zoom conversation then? We can put it on youtube – a chat about all the things we love about what we do. Born out of our practice at zoom in 2020, now a productive tool for a close up visit with someone not in the same room.

Creative Conversations came to mind about three video chats in. What a podcast you say? Well I have been a radio DJ and that was great fun. So, as I added Creative Conversations as another playlist on my youtube channel I discovered youtube does have a podcast section so I stored these videos in that category too. So I guess, yes, I have a podcast. Hahahahahah. That’s a tickle.

Enjoy the talks. These folks are super cool, doing many fabulous things in the world and I love talking to them about it all.

Creative Conversations with Lauren Passarelli

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